Rabu, September 08, 2010

Top 100 Situs untuk Pelajar dan Pembelajaran

001. Thesaurus.com | thesaurus.reference.com
002. Universal Currency Converter | xe.com/ucc/
004. How Stuff Works | howstuffworks.com
005. Time and Date | timeanddate.com
006. Google Language Tools | google.com/language_tools
007. Time and Date | timeanddate.com/worldclock/
008. Reverso | reverso.net
009. ScienceDaily | sciencedaily.com/index.htm
010. Bureau of Meteorology | bom.gov.au
011. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. | honda.com
012. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online | britannica.com
013. New Scientist | newscientist.com
014. Earthquake Information from the USGS | earthquake.usgs.gov
015. Starfall | starfall.com
016. Popular Science | popsci.com
017. Space | space.com
018. Mighty Optical Illusions | moillusions.com
019. Yahoo! Kids | kids.yahoo.com
020. Free Translation and Professional Translation Services from SDL International | freetranslation.com
021. Webopedia | webopedia.com
022. TimeandDate.com: Calendar | timeanddate.com/calendar/
023. Physics Forums | physicsforums.com
024. HighBeam Encyclopedia | encyclopedia.com
025. Enchanted Learning | enchantedlearning.com/Home.html
026. ipl2: Information You Can Trust | ipl.org
027. The Phrase Finder | phrases.org.uk
028. Jet Propulsion Laboratory | jpl.nasa.gov
029. RhymeZone | rhymezone.com
030. FastWeb | fastweb.com
031. Onelook | onelook.com
032. The Car Connection | thecarconnection.com
033. CNN.com: Technology | cnn.com/TECH/index.html
034. Maths Is Fun | mathsisfun.com
035. NASA Earth Observatory | earthobservatory.nasa.gov
036. Federal Aviation Administration | faa.gov
037. BBC - Learning Schools | bbc.co.uk/schools/
038. Geography Home Page | geography.about.com
039. Math.com | math.com
040. The Exploratorium | exploratorium.edu
041. Science @ NASA | science.nasa.gov
042. European Space Agency (ESA) | esa.int
043. Mugglenet | mugglenet.com
044. Apples4theteacher.com | apples4theteacher.com
045. Bartleby.com | bartleby.com
046. Refdesk.com | refdesk.com
047. ABC Teach | abcteach.com
048. BBC Science - Human Body | bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/
049. wordIQ | wordiq.com
050. Guide to Grammar and Writing | grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
051. BBC Education - Languages | bbc.co.uk/languages/
052. Convertworld.com | convertworld.com
053. English Grammar Online | ego4u.com
054. Science News Online | sciencenews.org
055. Spelling City | SpellingCity.com
056. FactMonster | factmonster.com
057. National Geographic Kids | kids.nationalgeographic.com
058. Practical Algebra Lessons | purplemath.com/modules/
059. The Old Farmer's Almanac | almanac.com
060. KidZone | kidzone.ws
061. Heavens Above | heavens-above.com
062. BBC News: Science/Nature | news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/default.stm
063. Interesting Things for ESL Students | manythings.org
064. San Diego Zoo and San Diego Wild Animal Park | sandiegozoo.org
065. Coolmath4kids | coolmath4kids.com
066. Brain POP | brainpop.com
067. EarthSky | earthsky.org
068. BBC Online - History | bbc.co.uk/history/
069. The Online Books Page | onlinebooks.library.upenn.edu
070. Skeptic's Dictionary | skepdic.com
071. Common Errors in English | wsu.edu/~brians/errors/
072. Spartacus Educational | spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk
073. Science Buddies | sciencebuddies.org
074. NIEHS Kids Pages | kids.niehs.nih.gov/home.htm
076. Learn Biology Online | biology-online.org
077. Classroom Clipart | classroomclipart.com
078. StarDate | stardate.org
079. Multiplication.com | multiplication.com
080. Convert-Me | convert-me.com
081. Timeline of Art History | metmuseum.org/toah/
082. NASA Human Spaceflight | spaceflight.nasa.gov
083. Plants National Database | plants.usda.gov
084. Randall s ESL Cyber Listening Lab | esl-lab.com
085. Math Goodies | mathgoodies.com
087. Citation Machine | citationmachine.net
088. WebMath | webmath.com
089. Monterey Bay Aquarium | montereybayaquarium.org
090. National Snow and Ice Data Center | nsidc.org
091. City Population | citypopulation.de
092. ARKive : Images of Life on Earth | arkive.org
093. Math Playground | mathplayground.com
094. Online Math Learning | onlinemathlearning.com
095. Korea.net | kois.go.kr
096. Discovery Kids | kids.discovery.com
097. eLook Reference | elook.org
098. Inner Learning | innerbody.com
099. Tech Terms Computer Dictionary | techterms.com
100. Visual dictionary | infovisual.info

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