Jumat, November 30, 2007

Positive Effects of Videogaming

Games help on:

- Processing certain visual information
- Improving laparoscopic skills
- Helping children with attention deficit disorder
- Managing pain
- Establishing online social relationship

[4th ICET 2007]

Why Videogames are such Good Teachers?

1. Clear objectives

2. Exciting activities
3. Multiple ways of solving problems
4. Feedback given
5. Motivation to reach a high standards and practice their skills
6. Extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
7. Guaranteed success regardless of players' academic performance of socioeconomic status

[4th ICET 2007]

Why Digital Games are important to Children and Teens?

Digital games offer children and teenagers:

1. Promote positive feelings
2. Provide outlet for aggression, has cathartic effect
3. Has potential as learning tools
4. Meet psychological needs:

+ entertainment and leisure

+ emotional coping - from loneliness, stress, low self-esteem
+ escape from reality
+ satisfying social needs
+ making new friends
+ strengthening friendship
+ generating sense of belonging and recognition

+ need for challenge and achievement
+ need for excitement
+ need for power

[4th ICET 2007]

Jurnal Konsultan: Minggu XXV (11.2007)

Minggu, 25 November 2007
[Gedung Baru Timur VEDC Malang: 12.00-15.00] Mengikuti acara pembukaan Kontes Game Edukasi Indonesia
(KGEI) 2007. KGEI dilaporkan oleh Bapak Sumarno VEDC Malang selaku OC, disambut Bapak Budi Purwaka bagian SI yang mewakili Karo PKLN Setjen Depdiknas dan dibuka oleh Bapak Isnandar yang mewakili Rektor Universitas Negeri Malang selaku SC. KGEI diikuti oleh 175 peserta (siswa, mahasiswa, dan umum) dengan 60 judul game, peserta datang dari Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, dan Malang.

Senin, 26 November 2007

[Bima Hall
VEDC Malang: 18.30-20.30] Mengikuti rapat koordinasi dengan OC KGEI untuk status keuangan terhadap RAB, persiapan penentuan pemenang kontes, prosedur penyerahan hadiah bagi pemenang kontes, dan persiapan eksebisi di arena Forum Nasional Jardiknas di UMM Dome pada tanggal 28 November 2007.

Selasa, 27 November 2007
[Rumah: 07.00-08.30] Menyusun presentasi tentang Hadiah KGEI 2007 melalui skema Beasiswa Unggulan.
[Gedung Baru Timur VEDC Malang: 10.00-11.30] Menjelaskan prosedur penyerahan hadiah melalui skema Beasiswa Unggulan meliputi: Formulir, Proposal, Kontrak, Kwitansi, dan Buku kepada 10 nominee KGEI 2007.
[Hotel Tugu, Malang: 19.00-21.00] Mendampingi 10 nominee KGEI 2007 makan malam di Resto Hotel Tugu memenuhi undangan Karo PKLN bersama undangan Fornas Jardiknas 2007.

Rabu, 28 November 2007
[UMM Dome Malang: 08.00-17.00] Berpartisipasi dalam Forum Nasional (Fornas) Jardiknas 2007 dan eksebisi pemenang Kontes Game Edukasi Indonesia (KGEI) 2007.

Kamis, 29 November 2007
[VEDC Malang: 08.00-17.00] Memoderatori sesi Blogger Guru-nya Agus Heri dan Google Apps-nya Toha Mustofa di dalam seminar Sewindu Milis Dikmenjur di rangkaian Fornas Jardiknas di Aula VEDC Malang.

Jum'at, 30 November 2007
[Rumah: 07.00-09.30] Menyiapkan data Provider dan ICT Center yang akan menerima dana subsidi Pelatihan Jardiknas tahap IX (terakhir).

Sabtu, 1 Desember 2007
[ITB Bandung: 09.00-12.00] Mengikuti rapat dan survei persiapan International EduGame Festival di ITB Bandung bersama Karo PKLN, Kabag SI dan Bapak Intan RM (ITB).

Sabtu, November 24, 2007


The 5 Essential Skills for the Future
- Leadership and Management
- Fiscal Management
- Organization and Culture Skills
- Tech Skills
- Business Skills


The New CIO Leader Ten Priorities
01. Lead, don’t just manage.
02. Understand the fundamentals of your environment.
03. Create a vision.
04. Shape and inform expectations.
05. Create clear and appropriate IT governance.
06. Weave business and IT strategy together.
07. Build a new IS organization.
08. Build and nurture a high-performing team.
09. Manage the new enterprise and IT risks.
10. Communicate IS performance in business-relevant language.

The 3 Overarching Characteristics of ICT Leader

- Vision
- Influence
- Execution

The 9 Essential Skills for ICT Leaders/CTOs

1) Leadership and Vision
| Works closely with executive team and stakeholders to develop a shared vision and big-picture perspective on a district’s goals to plan for meaningful and effective uses of technology.

2) Planning and Budgeting | Works with the instructional and technical teams to identify the steps needed to transform the technology vision into a long-range plan, complete with specific goals, objectives and action plans.

3) Team Building and Staffing | Creates and supports cross-functional teams for decision-making, technology support, professional development, and other aspects of the district’s technology program as an integral part of strategic planning.

4) Systems Management | Directs, coordinates, and ensures the implementation of all tasks related to technical and infrastructure, standards, purchasing decisions, and the integration of technology into every facet of operations within the district.

5) Information Management | Oversees the establishment and maintenance of systems and tools for gathering, mining, integrating, and reporting data in usable and meaningful ways to produce an information culture in which data management is critical to strategic planning.

6) Business Leadership | Serves as a strong business leader who guides purchasing decisions, assists in determining the return on investment for all technology implementations, and fosters good relationships with vendors, potential funders, and other key groups.

7) Education and Training | Budgets, plans for and coordinates on-going, purposeful professional development for all staff using new technologies, including ensuring a sufficient budget through the implementation and assessment process.

8) Ethics and Policies | Oversees the creation, implementation and enforcement of policies and educational programs related to the social, legal and ethical issues involved in technology use throughout the district and models responsible decision-making.

9) Communication Systems | Directs and coordinates the use of email, district web sites, voice mail systems, and other forms of communication technology to facilitate decision making and enhance effective communication with key stakeholders.


Jumat, November 23, 2007

Online Games as Entertainment in Korea

The domestic market in 2006 for online games indicates about 7.448.900.000 USD.

Game Platform | Revenue (K, USD) | Market Share (%)
+ Online Games: 1.776.800 (61,7%)
+ Arcade Games: 700.900 (24,3%)
+ Mobile Games: 239.000 (8,3%)
+ Video Games: 136.500 (4,7%)
+ PC Games: 28.400 (0,9%)
+ Total: 2.879.600 (100%)

[MCT & KOGIA, 2007]


Fondasi e-School dibangun dari 3 unsur sistem pendidikan, yaitu:
Pedagogy, Curriculum dan Assessment. e-School akan kuat dan berkelanjutan jika didukung oleh 5 pilar utamanya, yaitu: Curriculum, Collaboration, Cognition, Creativity, dan Computer Literacy (5C).

Peringkat perangkat ICT yang digunakan dalam proses belajar-mengajar dapat dipersentasekan sebagai bserikut:
21% Word Processor
18% WWW
10% Slideshow
9% Multimedia
3% Spreadsheet
3% Mindmaps
1% D & P
1% Simulation

4th ICET 2007]